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Course curriculum

    1. Mistletoe Therapy - Part 1

    2. Mistletoe Therapy - Part 2

    3. Mistletoe Therapy - Part 3

    4. Mistletoe Therapy - Part 4

    5. Mistletoe Therapy - Part 5

    6. Mistletoe Therapy - Part 6

    7. Mistletoe Therapy - Course PDF

    1. Final Exam

    2. Ultimate Practitioner's Apron

    3. Show your Pride with Angel's Animals Apparel!

About this course

  • $199.00
  • 13 lessons
  • 1.5 hours of video content

Add Mistletoe Therapy to your Veterinary Practice Today!


Viscum album (Mistletoe) has been used in complementary cancer care for more than 100 years. It has significant beneficial effects on quality of life, tolerance to conventional therapies, immune function, and overall survival. It can be used at any stage of the cancer journey, from post-surgical to palliative care. The use of mistletoe in dogs, cats, and horses has been expanding rapidly in Europe over the past 25 years and is gaining popularity in North America and other countries

  • Improve quality of life of oncology patients

  • Reduce tumor size

  • Receive better results when incorporating with other treatments

  • Facilitate tumor removal


This course is approved for 2 CE credits through: