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Course curriculum

    1. Case Study Requirements- PLEASE SEE UPDATED COURSE REQUIREMENTS BELOW IN COURSE - You need 3 different issues with your 3 horses AS WELL AS 3 DIFFERENT FEED PLANS.

    1. Equine Digestive System

    2. Equine Digestion Quiz

    3. Body Condition Scoring

    4. The Hyoid Apparatus- Relates to chewing

    1. Types of Grasses and Hays- Forage First!

    2. Forage

    3. Forage Quiz

    4. Podcast on Horse Pasture Management

    5. Taking a Core Sample for Hay Testing Part 1

    6. Taking a Core Sample for Hay Testing Part 2

    7. Analyzing Hay Samples

    8. More on forages- Sanfoin & Teff

    1. Vitamins Minerals Nutrients

    2. Macro and Trace Minerals

    3. Water Intake

    4. Filtered Water Article

    5. Winter Water Intake Tip

    6. A Message on Complete Feeds

    7. The Grains- Oats, Corn, Barley

    8. Nutrients for EMS and more

    1. Herbs for Horses

    2. Benefits of Chinese Herbal Therapy

    3. Herbs Quiz

    4. CBD Oil and Hemp

    5. Reading Labels and Fat Supplementation

    6. A Natural Approach to a Horse's Dietary Needs Article

    7. Nutrients and Supplementation Quiz

    8. A bit on whole foods

About this course

  • $700.00
  • 72 lessons
  • 6.5 hours of video content

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Become a Certified Equine Holistic Nutritionist


Instructor Bio:

Jennifer Thackery is a co-instructor and course developer on some of our courses, including our Holistic Equine Nutrition, Holistic Carnivore Nutrition and Anatomical Study of the Equine Hoof and Mouth courses, as well as an Advisory Board Member. Jen has been active in the veterinary and equine nutrition arena for over 27 years. Working as a veterinary technician, teaching at the local business college in their veterinary assistant program and developing their accredited equine program and also teaching those classes along with small animal courses. She studied Naturopathy, Holistic Nutrition, and dabbled in homeopathy in graduate school long after her Bachelors Degree in Biology with an emphasis on pre-veterinary science. She was elected to the Northland Horsemen's Association as their Education Chairman years ago and volunteered for 9 years as the area's large animal humane rep. Jen resides in northern Minnesota on her beautiful 40 acre farm along with her 3 horses, (Spartan) a 3 year old Friesian Standardbred, (Forrest) 4 year old Friesian Standardbred, (Serene) 24 year old Andalusian. She also loves and cares for 2 formerly feral kitties named Snickers and "Feral Kitty". Jen has been riding dressage and trails for 20 years; however, the past 7-8 years her focus has been on connection, liberty work and even bridleless riding. Her goal is to get every horse she works with going bitless from the start and remaining obedient and light. Jen also cares for a flock of Cochin Chickens who bring her many smiles.

Jen Thackery



Instructor Bio:

Dr. Angelique Barbara (affectionally called Dr. Angel by many of her clients) is a Doctor of Chiropractic who holds additional degrees in Veterinary Science (B.S.), Equine Science (Minor) and Veterinary Pathobiology (M.S.).  Dr. Barbara has been passionate about animals her entire life and has spent the majority of her life studying animals (both in the classroom and in the field).  She developed her first animal bodywork seminar in 2009.  Since that time, her seminars have grown both in number and popularity and she has fine tuned her seminars and techniques to optimize the learning experience.  Dr. Barbara was one of the first practitioners to start utilizing kinesiology tape on animals and she was so impressed with the results that she decided to develop an entire seminar dedicated to the taping applications she developed.  Her background in both the clinical and research animal health care world as well her experience as a human chiropractor give her a unique perspective on animal bodywork, which is evident in her courses. Dr. Barbara has publications in the Journal of Veterinary Science and Microbiology and has presented her research at the Conference of Researchers in Animal Disease (CRAWD) and the International Equine Conference of Laminitis and Diseases of the Hoof.  She is a member of Alpha Zeta Honorary Fraternity, American Quarter Horse Association, American Paint Horse and is the founder of Angel's Animal Sanctuary, a non-profit sanctuary home for animals. 

Dr. Angelique Barbara

Founder and Instructor


“Amazing course. Every horse owner and equine professional should take this course for the sake of better understanding and therefore helping our horses live a healthier , happier, longer life . This course is packed with invaluable knowledge and information regarding the whole horse and their needs, and how to work with what nature intended. Course work can be saved and readily used as a guide. Great source of herbals remedies, mineral supplements, and product label information. Wonderful! ”

“Thank you so much for all the guidance you give us above and beyond the course. It makes it so worth it along with the community! ”

“The content in this course is fantastic! I am an FEI equine veterinary physiotherapist based in Australia and the nutritional information in the course is so well put together, easy to follow , and will certainly make you look at the way you feed your horses in a different way. Highly recommend!”

“This nutrition course has been absolutely amazing! I have learned so much about the digestive system, how it works, and why it works the way it does. It has helped me tremendously already with my pre-metabolic pony, and my every day riding horse. The instructor is incredible! She responds quickly and is so helpful. She doesn’t just tell you “ I would do this”, or “you should do this”, she explains the good and the bad of anything you ask about and guides you to make what YOU feel is the right decision for the horse you are dealing with. I couldn’t have asked for a better course. It is very easy to follow and I can’t wait to continue learning more from the other courses I am going to be taking! If you are on the fence about it, I say jump in head first… You will not regret your decision! ”