Bundle includes

Here are all the products that are included in your bundle.

Enroll in our Equine Certification Courses!

Receive a discount of $500 when you enroll in these courses through the bundle!

Student Reviews

Brenna Samarin

5 star rating

“Great in depth explanations along with excellent areas of focus. This course was very straight forward and well put together! I cannot wait for my journey to begin in this career field! ”

“Great in depth explanations along with excellent areas of focus. This course was very straight forward and well put together! I cannot wait for my journey to begin in this career field! ”

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sherry martin

5 star rating

“So Far I am very happy with this course . I have ben to a demo on horses before so already know a lot of this first stuff but Doc. makes it super easy to understand!”

“So Far I am very happy with this course . I have ben to a demo on horses before so already know a lot of this first stuff but Doc. makes it super easy to understand!”

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Samantha Colyer

5 star rating

“This whole first part of the course has already taught me so much and I cannot wait to keep going! The way the information is laid out is easy to understand and the video at the end was the icing on the cake!!!”

“This whole first part of the course has already taught me so much and I cannot wait to keep going! The way the information is laid out is easy to understand and the video at the end was the icing on the cake!!!”

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Pricing options

Enroll in our payment plan of $385 per month for 12 months or prepay with a discount.